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[publish] A Color-Material Network of Chairs through Materials and Colors, Archives of Design Research, 2023

by Boram Kim 2023. 3. 3.


Boram Kim, Gyunpyo Lee, and Hyeon-Jeong Suk. "A Color-Material Network of Chairs through Materials and Colors." Archives of Design Research 36, no. 1 (2023): 7-19.


Received : Jun. 27. 2022 ;

Reviewed : Oct. 24. 2022 ;

Accepted : Oct. 24. 2022 ;

Printed: 28, Feb, 2023 


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- 의자의 디자인을 볼 때, 사람들이 어떤 요소들을 고려하는가 

- 각 요소들의 관계는 어떠하며, 그 관계는 수치화할 수 있는가

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등을 고민했던 연구였어요. 



Exploring Color-Material Harmony: the Network Visualization of Chair Design


Boram, the Ph.D. candidate of Color Lab, has published a research article, entitled “A Color-Material Network of Chairs through Materials and Colors” as the first author in the Archives of Design Research Journal. There are co-authors, Gyunpyo Lee, a Master's degree. This study focuses on the importance of color, material, and finishing (CMF) choices in styling and product design. By analyzing a network of chair components based on color and material combinations, the study visualizes the connectivity and characteristics of CMF relationships.



Color Material Finishing (CMF), Network Analysis, Material, Chairs



Link to the article :  http://dx.doi.org/10.15187/adr.2023.


Archives of Design Research

A Color-Material Network of Chairs through Materials and Colors Boram Kim : Department of Industrial Design, PhD candidate, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea Gyunpyo Lee : Department of Industrial Design, Master’s degree,
